Color Scheme For Logo Design #1 |
Color Scheme For Logo Design #2 |
Neutral colors which could be used in logo for any company. Light grey and light blue colors add seriousness to your logo. |
Bright but solid logo. Dark red color attracts attention. |
Color Scheme For Logo Design #3 |
Color Scheme For Logo Design #4 |
Classic color combination often used in design. Bright and hot red color in combination with black - conservative and serious. |
Yellow color is one of the favorite colors for logos of manufacturers of building equipment.
Color Scheme For Logo Design #5 |
Color Scheme For Logo Design #6 |
Another cute color combination which could be used for any logo. Dark blue is a cold color but it is also associated with cleanness, seriousness and freshness. |
A little darker blue color used to make this scheme a bit calmer. |
Color Scheme For Logo Design #7 |
Color Scheme For Logo Design #8 |
Carrot color is an unusual color which will attract attention very fast. |
Classic color scheme which can be used in any situation. |
Color Scheme For Logo Design #9 |
Color Scheme For Logo Design #10 |
Very interesting and bright color combination. |
White and sky blue colors are very fresh but calming. |